

Analysis of the deep dilemma behind the crisis of the abrasive industry

Recently, fiscal, taxation and financial policies to support the development of small and micro enterprises have been continuously introduced. The content of the policy shows that the government should not only create conditions for small and micro enterprises to get rid of their actual business difficulties, but also create a good institutional environment for the development of small and micro enterprises. This can be said to be good news for the abrasives industry, which is dominated by small and micro enterprises, but whether this kind of "rain" can help tormented and precarious business owners solve the most realistic problems-cost problems, capital problems, foreign market demand tightening problems, etc., is unknown. It can only be said that in this period of challenging people's endurance, one more thing like this can still make people feel a little dawn and warmth.
Many business owners believe that not only a considerable number of companies, our entire industry is now in a very dangerous situation. The danger does not simply refer to the emergence of "suspension of production and bankruptcy", which is mainly manifested in various rising costs and low-end products. The structure of high-end products is surplus but high-end products rely on imports, serious vicious competition, policy restrictions, financing difficulties, etc. Some industry experts observe and give suggestions: enterprises should assess the situation, actively respond, and speed up structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading. It can be said that enterprises should invest funds, pay attention to the research and development of technology, avoid the disadvantages of family enterprises, and manage enterprises scientifically.
The wonderful thing is that our industry has survived the original model in which everyone is "very dangerous" and "needs to transform" again and again. Economic analysts also believe that as a major producer of abrasives, we have a good deck of cards in our hands. As long as we play well, the prospects will be bright. There is some truth to this argument.
The next question is: what factors lead to the precariousness of the industry, and what factors support the industry not to be very bleak? What is the core problem to reverse the predicament and revitalize the industry?
On the surface, the danger of the industry is not only the ineffectiveness of the policy of "two highs and one capital", but also the narrowness and shortsightedness of the enterprise itself, but the root lies in the policy. First of all, the policy is a guide to the direction of industrial development, and the enterprise is its entourage. The policy builds canals, and the enterprise is like water. The water either flows along the ditches and endures regulations that do not conform to the truth. Either it washes the embankment and triggers conflicts in order to survive. The latter is difficult to achieve with the strength of an industry. However, if we do the former, we have no choice but to endure the so-called energy-saving measures of the former, such as switching off the power supply and forcibly shutting down the project. The most basic production and operation of the enterprise are affected, adding an inexplicable "disaster" to the already "ill-fated" enterprise ". Throughout the world, all countries attach great importance to the abrasives and abrasive enterprises as "industrial teeth", and even give a strong tilt in the institutional environment for this industry,
Why foreign countries not only do not have a series of big problems of high consumption and pollution, but the quality and technology far exceed the domestic similar products under the unrestricted environment? How do they deal with it? What is the gap between us and them? In terms of policy restrictions, how can domestic enterprises catch up with foreign counterparts?
Secondly, policy is a key factor affecting the social status of an industry. When the government does not attach importance to it and the policy does not support an industry, how can the country and even the enterprise itself invest energy and financial support in technological research and development in this field. The technology development ability of the abrasive industry is weak, the products and technologies with their own intellectual property rights are few, the manufacturing process data are lack of strict test and demonstration, and the continuous quality and stability of the products cannot be maintained. On the one hand, the enterprise itself has no strength or The result of unwilling to spend effort on scientific research, they are more willing to make money to imitate other people's products faster when they spend effort may not have corresponding returns, or spend more money to find a technical talent. But in the final analysis, it is the policy status of abrasives, which is tearing the future of this industry together with the market environment and corporate consciousness affected by this status.